General education requirements ucla engineering

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Description of Writing Requirement and General Education Requirement
For Freshmen and Transfer Students Who Entered Fall Quarter 2005 and Thereafter

GE list – For Freshmen and Transfer Students Who Entered Fall Quarter 2005 and Thereafter

Writing Requirement:

(a) English Composition 3, 3D, 3DS, 3E, or 3SL which must be completed with a minimum grade of C by the end of the second year of enrollment at UCLA(this requirement may be satisfied by a score of 4 or 5 on the English Language and Composition or English Literature and Composition AP Exam);

(b) one 4-unit engineering ethics course chosen from Engineering 181EW, 182EW, 183EW, or 185EW:

For those students that are following the 2005-2006 and later catalogs, where Writing II is required, completing ENGR 181EW, 182EW, 183EW, or ENGR 185EW will satisfy the Engineering Writing Requirement. *Bioengineering majors who completed Bioengineering 165 before F08 will also be granted Writing II credit.

General Education Requirement:

Foundations of Knowledge

General education courses are grouped into three foundational areas: Foundations of the Arts and Humanities, Foundations of Society and Culture, and Foundations of Scientific Inquiry.

Five courses (24 units minimum) are required.

Foundations of the Arts and Humanities

Two 5-unit courses, select two subgroups, take one course from each:

Literary and Cultural Analysis

Philosophical and Linguistic Analysis

Visual and Performance Arts Analysis and Practice

Foundations of Society and Culture

Two 5-unit courses, one from each subgroup:

Foundations of Scientific Inquiry

One course chosen from the Life Sciences subgroup course list supplemented with the following choices: Chemistry and Biochemistry 153A, Bioengineering/Chemical Engineering CM145, and Civil and Environmental Engineering M166/Environmental Health Sciences M166.

This requirement is automatically satisfied for Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering majors. The requirement is satisfied for Civil Engineering majors by the natural science requirement – one natural science course from Civil and Environmental Engineering 58SL, Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences 3, 15, 16, 17, 20, Environment 12, Life Sciences 1, 2, Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics 5, 6, or Neuroscience 10.

NOTE: A Physical Science GE is NOT required.

The following notations are used in the GE course lists:

(W) denotes a Writing II course – For those students that are following the 2005-2006 and later catalogs where Writing II is required, completing ENGR 181EW, 182EW, 183EW, or ENGR 185EW will satisfy the Engineering Writing Requirement and there is no need to take an additional “W” Writing II course. *Bioengineering majors who completed Bioengineering 165 before F08 will also be granted Writing II credit.

* Courses marked with an asterisk are listed in more than one category but can fulfill GE requirements in only one of the cross-listed categories