California Reducing Disparities Project – Stakeholder Generated Reports
California Reducing Disparities Project – Stakeholder Generated Reports
Stakeholder workgroups focusing on five populations developed individual Population Reports that included recommendations for reducing disparities and removing barriers to accessing programs and services, along with an inventory of
community-defined evidence and promising practices that could support efforts to reduce disparities.
- Each workgroup was comprised of a broad representation of the diversity within their respective population group including, but not limited to, community leaders, mental health providers, consumer and family members, individuals with lived experience, and academia.
- Below are links to the SPWs’ website and their Population Reports.
- “We Ain’t Crazy! Just Coping With a Crazy System” CRDP Population Report: African American
- “In Our Own Words” CRDP Population Report: Asian Pacific Islander
- “Community-Defined Solutions for Latino Mental Health Care Disparities” CRDP Population Report: Latino
- “First, Do No Harm” CRDP Population Report: LGBTQQ
- “Native Vision” CRDP Population Report: Native Americans