John denver autopsy report

John Denver on stage with guitar

Details Found In John Denver's Autopsy Report By S. FLANNAGAN History - Science

Content Warning This story contains graphic descriptions of death.

John Denver on stage with guitar, black and white

Folk legend John Denver also had a lifelong love of flight, which inspired him to become a fully-fledged pilot. Tragically, it was this passion that killed him.

John Denver smiling, black and white

On October 12, 1997, Denver died in a tragic plane crash. His autopsy put several lines of speculation to rest and revealed the horrifying details of how the crash proved so fatal.

John Denver singing with guitar

Sadly, John Denver's crash into Monterey Bay was reportedly high impact, with witnesses claiming they saw the plane enter steep decline shortly before it hit the water.

Plane wreckage on field

Horrifyingly, Denver's autopsy report describes how his dismembered body was recovered from the wreckage in separate parts, with several pieces of his anatomy missing.

John Denver with sunglasses, smiling

This included a large portion of his head. His death certificate states that his remains were found around 150 yards from the shore.

John Denver smiling, black and white; outside

The toxicology report published alongside Denver's autopsy found no evidence that he had any alcohol or drugs in his system at the time of the crash.

Ambulance following cop car

Still, it was reported that seven months before the crash, the National Transportation Safety Board denied Denver an aviation medical certificate due to his prior DUI citations.

John Denver memorial on shore

Because of this, his pilot's license was actually invalid, and it was technically illegal for him to have taken to the air on the day of his death.